Here you'll find my reel which includes content from my work on Game Room Hero, Model 05 Productions, LLC, and TheCoasterViews as well as descriptions of said work and links to individual pieces of content.

Game Room Hero is my own review-focused YouTube Channel and website. I've been working on content for Game Room Hero about 4 years now with the simple goal of making reviews that I could be proud of, 4 years and many videos later and Game Room Hero has grown quite a bit and I'm incredibly proud of the work I continue to do there; for your convenience here is a LINK to a playlist with every review I have produced thus far. 

Model 05 is a Burbank, CA based production unit specializing in commercial and narrative work, from 2013-2016 I collaborated on a number of projects such as Concerning Hares (2015), Buried at Sea (2014) and Bad Steel (2017). As not all of these projects have been released to the public, here is a handy LINK to the most recent Model 05 reel which contains scenes from many of the pieces I worked on.   

Started in 2009 TheCoasterViews is a travel YouTube Channel featuring parks from across the United States and around the globe, my work with the channel throughout 2012-2013 saw me produce a multitude of content for the channel through one of it's most explosive growth periods. You'll find a playlist of every video I collaborated on here.